Thursday, November 5, 2009

First post same as the first.

Well it fianly happened, this is a blog. No turning back now, I'v made my pact, and the only thing keeping me sane is that I'm quite sure no one will read this stuff. Unless you google Image searched for something like "french maid truck" or "tomahawk monkey." Though I always wanted to keep a proper diary. I tried once when I went to summer camp. I just ended up drawing a bunch of naked ladies in it though. I was so afraid that the other boys would find it and make fun of my budding man hood and my want to know what naked girls looked like. So I ended up flushing most of my "diary" down the cabin's toilet until it eventually backed up. That brings us to why I'm doing a blog: to show off the naked girls I'm drawing now. Through I'll probably end up posting the art work of my friends and people I admire, such as the Master Bill Waterson. Hopefully I won't have to flush his stuff down the toilet like the last one.

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